Saturday, September 12, 2009

Leave the family at home...

Ok you show up to a new church (denomination withheld), like the people and get a good vibe.  So you start attending services.  Then after a few visits, you are asked to volunteer to teach bible classes or get more involved with SOMETHING!  (For those of you who have attended the same church for the last 50 years, this may not apply to you, however I have noticed that most churches are hurting when it comes to filling the positions available.)

Don't get me wrong, this is not a bad thing, and if there is a need, then there is a need.  But, I wonder if the people who are doing the asking are simply latching onto anyone who will respond to them or if they are truly letting God fill that need?

After all, as far as I can tell He has always taken care of my needs, why would it be different for the church?  (Perhaps, the need is not so bad after all.  Just a thought.)

Anyway, what I am getting at is this: When it comes to attending services, I would like to simply show up and worship God at church without having to work.

Some of you readers may be having a difficult time with this concept, but after all, it is the day of rest that we are talking about here.

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