Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Are you ready to ROCK???!!!

I was reflecting on something I read in the Bible today, about...well, I can't really remember at this moment in time, but I was smart enough to jot down some notes on the thoughts I mused upon after closing the Good Book.  What I was wondering is this: if we love money more than God, then we are not fully relying on God for our live now and after we die.  This is a serious issue!   No matter how much money God bestows on us, we cannot loose sight of Him and the gift of grace.

So that got me thinking about those of us here in the US, how we are the richest nation in the world and our individual role in all of this. (Though after you find out how much money we owe China, the whole "richest nation in the world" thing might seem a bit cliche')  The question remains, are we too rich to understand that we need to be vigilant and ready to defend our faith at any given moment?

Do we know that even our poorest (according to the government) have it better than many in other countries.  I am not even talking about war torn nations.  Almost half of Brazilians do not own a fridge and China's billion or so are controlled by an elite of a few hundred thousand.   Knowing this, are you ready to stand up for your faith?  Or has our wealth as a nation blinded us to truly understanding what it means to fully rely on God, not just for our well being but for our national health as well?  When you look at things in from this perspective, is there really a difference?

Talk to any hard line Christian and they will eagerly tell you that this nation is not on the right path and has been declining for quite some time.  I am telling you that it goes even deeper...it is a direct reflection on our own values and concerns (or lack of).

So I ask again, are you ready to stand up for God, even if it means loosing everything...to gain everything when Jesus comes back for us?  No one should be able to convince you that tomorrow will not hold an unpleasant surprise in store for me, you or our nation, or even the body of Christ when you really think about it.

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